Breastfeeding is not an easy task. Can I switch from formula to breast milk?
Can mother’s milk come back after “drying”?
The relationship is the name of the process of rebuilding milk supply and resuming breastfeeding at some point after breastfeeding. Why would a mother want to start breastfeeding after weaning? Some of which I worked with originally planned to use the mixture, and began to bottle feed, but it turned out that their children did not tolerate the mixture well. Other mothers came to the relationship because they learned too late that they had been misinformed and that they didn’t really have to leave. Some were struggling with breastfeeding in the early weeks, so they decided to switch to formula milk, but when the baby was a little older and life calmed down, he really wanted to try breastfeeding.
Weaning method from supplements
Don’t throw supplements all of a sudden – this should be a gradual process.
- Prepare: Talk to your child’s health professional and get his / her input. Record supplement amounts for several days to determine how much supplement a child receives per day. Use modified milk for supplements, if available. If you do not have enough milk expressed, add milk or formula milk.
- Days 1-3: Take the current amount of supplement (# 1) and reduce by 1 oz (30 ml). Remember that you do not reduce 1 ounce with each feeding, but 1 ounce throughout the day. Monitor wet and dirty baby diapers. If the number of diapers is good, do not exceed this amount of supplement each day – put the baby back into the breast if it wants to eat more.
- Days 4-6: Take the current amount of supplement (# 2) and reduce by 1 oz (30 ml). Monitor wet and dirty baby diapers. If the number of diapers is good, do not exceed this amount of the supplement each day – put the baby back into the breast if it wants to eat more. - Days 7-9: Take the current amount of supplement (# 3) and reduce by 1-2 oz (30-60 ml) – try 2 oz if everything goes well. Monitor wet and dirty baby diapers. If the number of diapers is good, do not exceed this amount of the supplement each day – put the baby back into the breast if it wants to eat more.
- Continue the above method, slowly reducing the amount of the supplement every 2-3 days, as long as the number of diapers and baby’s weight gain indicates that they are getting enough milk. When you get to the fact that the supplements are just skimmed milk (without the formula), you can usually continue at a faster pace – at this point you are producing enough milk for your baby and you just have to switch the baby to breast milk (when not separated from mother).
- If your child’s weight gain or the number of diapers is borderline or inappropriate, spend a few days at the same level of the supplement or go back to the previous level of the supplement and continue at a slower pace.
- Monitor the child’s growth. Weigh the child at least once a week to ensure that it is developing properly. Perform another weight check one week after the baby has completely returned to the breast to make sure everything goes well. Keep in touch with your child’s carer throughout this process.